Friday, June 17, 2011

Internet Marketing Blog | Promoted Profits

Internet Marketing Blog | Promoted Profits

Social Dynamix

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 11:29 AM PDT

Feature Product Review:Social Dynamix is a comprehensive video training series created by Anthony St. Augustine, a guy who suffered the pain of social anxiety for several years. Now, he releases his 3-step self-help program that aids people to overcome their shyness and social anxiety problems by regaining control of their life. And, in this review, [...]

Underachiever to Millionaire

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 09:36 AM PDT

Feature Product Review:Adam Khoo, the author of Underachiever to Millionaire has designed the copy of the program to help people take immediate action and move towards their goals in life. This isn't any other goal setting program available for a low price on the Internet, it's a book with all the proven methods and strategies [...]

The Social Strategies

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 07:21 AM PDT

Feature Product Review:The Social Strategies is a self help program from Jon Mercer. It is an audio series that reveals the most important strategies to help the individuals overcome their fear and anxiety in social environment. Most importantly, the program is designed in a way to help people to react in a particular manner whenever [...]