Tuesday, May 31, 2011

[CBH] How to Plan Your Way to Big Profits


CBHelper Online Profit eZine:
Hot & Unique Resources, Ideas, and Tips to Improve Your
Internet Marketing Results.          

You have subscribed to this list as Pertama
with email address darkseomay2011@free-7.com
on May 14, 2011

Hello Pertama,

In today's newsletter, I am going to outline a few things that you
need to think about when planning for big profits.

This isn't so much a "how to" guide as it is a way to help make
everything you do and think more profitable.

However, this is pretty important and incredibly overlooked stuff.
Remember, not planning ahead is planning for failure.

First things first- You need to determine what type of business you
want to set up, or if you already have a business, what exactly you
are doing with it.

Even if you already have a business that makes money online, you
might want to rethink the setup of it.

When you are planning your projects, ask yourself these questions:

1. How much time will it take?

This is especially important when you are first starting out. You
want to focus on things that are going to line your pockets the
fastest because you need to pay the bills! You also want to make
sure you can do it along side everything else you are doing without
making anything else suffer.

Or you will have to decide if something else should be sacrificed
to do this new project.

2. What will make you the most profits?

Again, money isn't everything, but it sure helps... especially in
the beginning. You can always do charity work later.

The money is what makes the online world go round. So try and find
a good opportunity and direction for yourself that will get you
from rags to richest in a reasonable amount of time.

3. What are you excited most about?

If you can concentrate on things you are excited about first, that
is optimum. You will find more energy for it and will be more
passionate about it. In turn you will probably get to a positive
cash position faster.

4. How will it affect the big picture?

Will it take away from other things that you are doing? You don't
want a project to consume you so much that something else that
you've worked hard on suffers.

5. Can it wait?

All of us should have short term and long term strategies and
goals. You can't do everything now. Focus on what will get you
where you want to go fastest now and reserve the other stuff for

You need to determine what is most important and what will get me
there the fastest.

This is so essential in the beginning.

If you want to build an empire, then obviously you will need more
time and resources than somebody who just wants to promote some
affiliate programs while they watch TV after their 9-5 everyday.

How serious do you want to get involved? I think just the mindset
of this is what holds some people back. If you don't know and are
just bouncing from program to program looking for something to
stick, then chances are, you aren't making money.

The people who know what they want out of this business and are
going after it are the ones pulling in the big bucks. Do you want
to be that person?

Set goals and strive to achieve them, don't just wing from day to
day. Write down your business and personal goals and set deadlines
to achieve them.

The problem with the Internet is that it is cheap, and it creates a
cheap mentality. You can get on the Internet for $20 a month for
access, and set up a web site for $10 a month.

This is money that people can flat out waste every month. But if
you look at it through regular brick and mortar eyes, where you
have to pay full "rent and stock" prices, you may take your
business a little more seriously.

If you had to pay $500 per month for Internet access and another
$500 for web site hosting, then you had to pay $5,000 upfront for
stocking your product, you would probably be much more serious
about your business and immediately become the best marketer that
you could!

So why doesn't everybody do that now? Because the Internet is
cheap, and they are too comfortable and secure with their current

But if you really want to make a solid-sizable income from the net,
then learn the ropes, take off the gloves and get your hands dirty.

You need to be where the action is, to see any action.

Start now and before you know it, you will be making the kind of
money that you want, and will be kicking yourself for not starting
sooner... Trust me!

Don't worry about failing. You are going to fail at some point,
everybody does. Nothing is going to be perfect, so stop wasting
time trying to make it perfect. Get out there and dive in head

I guarantee this will help you get more done in less time and help
you make much more money.

To your amazing success!

Henry Zeng


And in the next issue, you will learn how to avoid the worst
mistake you can make in your online business, regardless of whether
you are a merchant or an affiliate.

Just put an eye on my my following newsletters! :)

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Thanks for reading! If you know someone who could benefit from this,
feel free to forward it to them!
Not a subscriber yet? Like what you've read? Sign
up to get future issues delivered straight to you:
=> http://CBHelper.net

Until next time!


Unit 25-322, Oriental Garden, CUG, Wuhan, CN

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[CBH] Why The "Resell Rights" Niche Is So Profitable...


CBHelper Online Profit eZine:
Hot & Unique Resources, Ideas, and Tips to Improve Your
Internet Marketing Results.

You have subscribed to this list as Pertama
with email address darkseomay2011@free-7.com
on May 14, 2011

Hi Pertama,

We all know that the money is the list right?... I mean that's
common sense by now.

But what most have not grasped is that it's not the size of the
list or how many you can stuff into your auto-responder, but the
QUALITY of them. The source of the traffic matters... just ask
any marketer who has tens of thousands of subscribers on their
list but fail to get a couple of hundred clicks when they send
out an email!

Yes QUALITY matters and so does the type of subscriber you have.

We all know that the 'make money' niche is profitable - but what
makes it lucrative is knowing how to break up the niche into
smaller segments and catering to the right people.

Example 1 - A single mum could really do with the extra monthly
income. She wants to make money as soon as possible with the
least amount of complication. She does not want to learn how to
set up her own website, nor does she want to spend weeks getting
traffic. She would be a perfect candidate for making money on

Example 2 - A small offline business owner wants to expand his
business online and has a little money to do so. He does not
want to spend too much time learning the intricacies of setting
up an online business and would rather spend time promoting it.
A 'done for you' service may be the perfect solution for him.

Both are interested in making money online, but both have
different ways they want to do it. This is why it is so
important to segregate your subscribers - even if you're in the
'make money' niche!

This is why I'm emailing you today - to help you establish yet
another profitable avenue within the make money niche which you
can capitalize on again and again... the Resell Rights niche!

=> http://cbhelper.net/ResellRightsWarrior

The Resell Rights Warrior Package comes with everything you need
to start cultivating a list of hugry buyers!...

- 3x Super-sized squeeze pages

- 3x Confirmation pages to encourage your new subscriber to
double opt-in

- 3x Download pages to ensure your subscriber receives their
free gift and eCourse

- 1x 24-Page brandable report that goes in-depth into what
resell rights is really all about - you get give-away rights to

- 1x Rebranding tool to customize the report with your ClickBank
affiliate so you can earn back-end commission through the report!

- 7 Day content-rich eCourse that shows your subscriber that you
really know your stuff! (Just copy and paste)

- 9 Personally written articles on the subject of resell rights
answering the toughest questions!

- Spinnable versions of the same articles - human written so you
can generate a surge of traffic back to your squeeze page

- Text-layered PSDs to all designs so you can edit and modify
the templates and covers how you want!

and so much more!...

This is a fresh and new approach to list building and puts you
on a good foot to building a list of people who want to BUY what
you have to offer!

The graphics alone are checking out!...

=> http://cbhelper.net/ResellRightsWarrior
To your amazing success!

Henry Zeng

To reply to this email go to:


Thanks for reading! If you know someone who could benefit from this,
feel free to forward it to them!
Not a subscriber yet? Like what you've read? Sign
up to get future issues delivered straight to you:
=> http://CBHelper.net

Until next time!






Unit 25-322, Oriental Garden, CUG, Wuhan, CN

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Internet Marketing Blog | Promoted Profits

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ClickBank Sentry

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Sunday, May 29, 2011

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